Stache: Dab Rigs for Everyday People By: Mg Magazine

Concentrate sales were up 40 percent year-over-year in 2020. An increasing number of consumers are taking the plunge into dabbing, but they’re finding traditional equipment to be a significant barrier to entry.
Stache spotted and met the need for hassle-free dab rigs early. Rod Santos founded the company in 2015, after realizing traditional dab rigs with their batteries, coils, and dental tools intimidated some consumers. So, he created a smoking device that simplifies the process and changes the dab game. “Since we launched Stache, innovation has been the biggest driver of what we do,” Santos said.
The company’s first product was the Stache Pen, a novel dab device with a silicon stash section that allowed early concentrate adopters to rip on the go. The first-of-its-kind device utilized advanced coils and storage options as a solution to a standard battery. Legions of copycats quickly followed, and the Stache quickly pivoted to tackling the bigger problem of dab rigs. The iconic RiO (Rig in One) resulted.